So I was cleaning my bathroom and I SLAMMED my finger into the shower door, and I broke my nail. :( So I decided to show you guys how I fix a broken nail. I didn't want to file it down and start all over again. Since I made it this far without biting my nails. This method has become my bf since I decided to grow out my nails.
You will need a tea bag, nail glue, a file, and a pair of scissors. Please excuse my file it is a little beaten up. |
This is my broken nail. I don't know if you can see it. |
cut the tea bag at the top. |
pour the tea in a napkin and open the tea bag completely. You may need to cut it down the middle so it can open up. |
tea bag should look like this when it's opened. |
I have done this before, works really great :_)